xrumer unregistriert
XRumer is a Windows program that posts forum spam with the aim of boosting search engine rankings. It has been claimed that the program is able to bypass techniques commonly used by many websites to deter automated spam, such as account registration, CAPTCHAs, and e-mail activation before posting. The program makes heavy use of a database of known open proxies in an attempt to make it more difficult for administrators to block posts.
In addition, the software can [url=http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=869171]xrumer[/url] avoid the suspicions of forum administrators by first registering to make a post in the form of a question which mentions the spam product ("Where can I get...?"), before registering another account to post a spam link which mentions the product. Akismet for WordPress is showing the first post as SPAM. The side effect of these innocent-looking posts is that helpful forum visitors may search on a search engine (e.g. Google) for the product and themselves post a link to help out, thus bolstering the product's Google stats without falling afoul of forum posting policies.
According to The Register, the latest version of XRumer can defeat CAPTCHAs of Hotmail and GMail. This enables the software to create accounts with these free email services, which are used to register in forums that it posts to.[1] [2]
Most spam attacks on forums generally occur in waves, and the software will not spam at full speed initially. Thus, a good strategy for limiting the damage of such attacks is to target new members who have random series' of alphanumeric characters for their usernames. The multiple instances of a spam bot will have obvious similarities in their email addresses (and will usually be random themselves), allowing members that match the profile of other spam bots to be banned before they even post. As mentioned - proxies are used, making IP bans ineffective, however it is possible to block the posting of threads containing certain text, or links to a certain site. Once a product or site has been spammed, it can be blocked, preventing the software from successfully uploading its payload.
07.07.2009 07:41 |
skimerszz unregistriert

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22.07.2009 22:17 |
Taryanalt unregistriert
Watch Free Online Movies and Documentaries |
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03.08.2009 23:06 |
SeetsSenKar unregistriert
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04.08.2009 15:52 |
WronsimiWem unregistriert
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08.08.2009 09:03 |
WronsimiWem unregistriert
I just needed to drop in and mention hello to everyone. I needed to acquaint me, my name is Christine.
I determined to post today because I think message board as a whole is very functional and informal place. I love reading all of the themes and threads here and considering that I am not much of a poster, I decided to make my very initial post.
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12.08.2009 19:44 |
CeceSoowl unregistriert
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15.08.2009 02:58 |
assogs unregistriert
Okay-every time I start up my computer, once the desktop has loaded, an error message comes up regarding my windows defender. Specific message as follows: Windows Defender Application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba. A problem caused this program's service to stop. To start the service, restart your computer or search Help and Support for how to start a service manually. I have searched help & support, as well as restarted my computer multiple times. Nothing has worked. Just wondering 2 things: 1. How to fix this. 2. Potential repurcussions of this problem if it has been occuring for a while.
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20.09.2009 22:56 |
affeseemymn unregistriert
Alte Kriegsrelikte gefunden |
Mike H. zeigt ein paar seiner grossartigen Silbermünzen, die er mit den Detektoren ACE 250 und GTI 2500 gefunden hat. Darunter zählt er ein äusserst wertvolles Zehncentstück mit dem Kopf der "Freiheit", das von Charles Barber entworfen wurde und eines der ersten amerikanischen Fünf-Cent-Stücke, das zwischen 1866 und 1883 im Umlauf war. [url=http://www.garrett.ch/ger/products_det.php3?id=40&product_id=130] garett garrett metalldetektoren [/url]
27.09.2009 16:59 |
Loulfiguigh unregistriert
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11.10.2009 01:03 |
Stomopreoma unregistriert
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19.10.2009 04:24 |
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Dyson the creator of the well know vacuum cleaner has just launched the worlds first bladeless fan
31.10.2009 13:14 |